Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What happened to winter?

It's the middle of February and the temperature is in the 40s during the day and hardly hits freezing at night. There is no snow in Spokane (but thankfully there is in the mountains), the kids at Gonzaga are wearing their shorts and fleece vests, and there are actually buds on the trees. Wazz up?

This is not a normal picture of the Inland Northwest this time of year, and it's messing with my mind a bit. But after the terribly difficult winters we've had the past 2 years, maybe we were due a little respite. As I look at the news reports of the blizzards week after week hitting our nation's capitol, I know that the residents are challenged by the feet...yup, feet...of snow they are enduring. We are more used to snow than they are. But maybe this will serve to cool the political discourse that has heated up in the halls of Congress the past few months. I loved the President's remarks following his bipartisan meeting yesterday when he talked about Senators getting along by making snow angels together on the capitol lawn. Could this be something we can all learn from kids...compete to see who make the best snow angels and still get up from the snow to look at them:)

Spokane seems calmer this winter than last year...and that's saying a bunch! Last year was the perfect storm of bitter cold temps, record snow and high energy bills. The bills may be high this year, but the complaints are fewer, the energy efficiency measures are being put in place in homes, and rebates and incentives are flying out the door to people who have decided they're going to take energy choices into their own hands. To a utility gal, this is music to my ears.

We held our first Energy Fair a couple of weeks ago, featuring energy efficiency information, bill payment options and bill assistance help as well as other ways to help low income families manage their finances. We really didn't know how many people would show up. But, with free admission, free samples and free food, we hoped for the best. Over 325 people came and by all reports, they were very happy with what we offered them. That's a good thing. We'll go forth and do it again, even bigger and better next time.

Here's hoping for more mountain snow and city rains this year. Everyone will be happier.

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